Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Novel Experience

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First of all, if you are a zombie fan, GO SEE ZOMBIELAND. RIGHT NOW! Forget about your nephew's birthday party, forget about midterms or finals or whatever you have due.

To curb your enthusiasm though, this was a 4 out of 5 stars zombie movie. Properly gratuitous, equally bloody with Woody Harrelson playing a bad ass zombie killing machine. I'll have to say that Woody pretty much made that movie and I hope to see him in similar roles from now on.

There is also a cameo that caught me by surprise. It was fun and ingenious, unlike a certain Ocean's 12 plot-line that made no sense at all. So enjoy it, but don't IMDB it. You want to be surprised.

Good luck to everyone in midterms and finals. Remember, Sleep is more important than study time.
