Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Dungeon Annals Pt. 1

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Being a DM for DnD is hard work. Everyone has their own way of playing their character and as much as you, the DM, try to script out a story arc, things change. A good DM has to be someone who can think on their feet. They must be a decent to good storyteller and they have to be fair to everyone playing.

I am not a very good DM. I try to script out events that inexplicably the characters squirm their way out of. I had created an inescapable web that my characters escaped in a combination of genius application of abilities and my own ineptitude regarding rolling the dice. This lack of creative license is one of the biggest reasons why I like Arkham Horror so much.

Arkham Horror is a DnD game boiled down just enough in order to put boundaries on the scope of the story but allows just enough freedom that the player doesn't feel trapped. The story is set in stone: You are part of a collection of investigators intent on stopping an unknown force rising up in the small town of Arkham. I don't have to tell any stories, I can just sit back and play it like a video game.


1 comment:

  1. This is why all my children are secretly illithids with drow buddies in the rocks.
