Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Mustela Putorius Furo

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Ferrets hoard things. If there's anything I have learned about them besides the fact that ferrets attack more people than grizzly bears is that they find something and they'll take it to a cold dark place for later consumption. Unless, of course, you feed them jelly beans, after which they'll go crazy for a little while and then do their business on the rug somewhere.

We decided on having a ferret as our pet of choice in our comic because ferrets are cool. But also because we feel like they are woefully under-represented in the online comic culture, except xkcd as Josiah will eagerly point out. I find it odd that a half-monkey, half-lizard, half-rodent animal has been so neglected by gaming culture for so long. I mean come on... Beastmaster had two, and they saved the day.



  1. [Obligatory comment about pants ferret]

  2. I can't get past Toby's thought to say anything else... sorry....

  3. Thanks a lot Toby... way to hijack my comic...

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Close call, both resourceful. I say cat wins though.
