Tuesday, April 14, 2009


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No one knows just who the Dark Lord is. He pops up in every fantasy book, albeit with different names. Some of his characteristics are: 1. People calling him the Dark Lord rather than by his real name because they are too afraid to say his real name (Sauron, Voldemort, and Shai'tan). 2. His name can be synonymous with beer. And he can look like anything, from this to this.

So, having found out that AJ has been kidnapped by the Dark Lord, I have no idea which one to look for, nor do I know what he is susceptible to. It could be love (Voldermort), fatherly love (Darth Vader), or even true love (Maleficent). AJ might just have to spend eternity down there. I suppose fatherly love might work though...
