Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Fine Print

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I have decided to go on a quest to find AJ. I don't know where the path will lead, but I will at the very least get away from Poko. He seems overly bent on destroying me.

This strip has turned into my new favorite. I love the way that everything feels in it. Poko, in particular, looks just downright scary at the end. I wouldn't want to meet him in my living room, nevermind a dark alley.

One more thing, I found this yesterday. I know it's more than a few days old, but I thoroughly enjoyed listening to it. I also started replaying one of my favorite games of all time. If you haven't had a chance to play it I would highly recommend it.



  1. Emily is no longer allowed to read this comic.

  2. Still slamming the ferret is she? Tell her if she programs the ferret correctly, she can teach it to discipline Marley
