Thursday, May 28, 2009

Ferret Attack

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Every web comic cartoonist and their evil nemesis are making fun of the new PS3 game, Infamous, featuring the apocolypse, a man with lightning hands and a city full of mutants. Being that I don't own a PS3 to play this on, and I wouldn't get the game for free, I can't play it. However, it does make me sad when I see fodder for comic jokes being used when I have no way of trying them myself.

Ever since summer started, I assumed that I would be able to have more leisure time, being out of school and all that. However, I have found that I have far less, and it's a good thing. I'm sure all of you have experienced that before. In other news, Terminator: Salvation came out this past weekend, a friend of mine wrote a review of it, you can see it at his blog. I encourage you to read it when you have seen the movie.



  1. I had the same thought about summer bringing more free time. I've had hardly any time to just stop and think... hopefully it settles some.

  2. Krystal Clark has a fantastic review of the film here: gives a much clearer insight into what I felt about the film.
