Thursday, June 4, 2009

Mea Culpa

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Monday and Tuesday were very busy for both of us. Unfortunately we can't find an excuse good enough to explain our inability about getting a comic up. We both apologize to all our fans for not posting on Tuesdays. It won't happen again.

On to lighter notes, I have this itch to play a video game. I've had it for a few weeks. I don't know what the video game is, I'm not sure what the genre is, I don't even know which console I should be playing it on. I'd like suggestions for what game I should be playing. By the way, the itch has gotten so bad, I almost picked up World of Warcraft again. Yes, it's THAT bad. If you have any suggestions please put them in the comments

E3 happened or is happening this week. This is an exciting time for everyone as the video game industry is showing off its new gadgets and games. One game I was severely disappointed in, not because the game itself is disappointing but because the two guys talking about it seemed completely ignorant of the game itself, was The Old Republic. This is a MMO coming out next year some time. The cinematic trailer looks amazing. If only they could hire more capable guys to go to E3.



  1. "How many races are in the game?"
    "Wow eight races! What are they?"
    "Yeah you said there's 8."
    "Oh I meant classes."
    "Oh ok, so what races are in the game?"
    "I can't tell you."


    "So when does this take place?"
    "Thousands of years before the movies. That way we don't have to worry about interfering with the story around that time."
    "What kind of classes can we expect?"
    "Well we just announced the Stormtrooper class. . ."


  2. I still think he saw a mandalarian and said, "LOOK STORMTROOPERS!!!!!!"

  3. So it was just announced that there was in fact a live demo at E3, but it was a behind closed doors press event :'(

  4. I think you should try Ico and Shadow of the Colossus when your done with Blue Dragon. Or Okage if you're still wanting to play an RPG.

  5. Ico... I saw a review for that and I am interested. Send that by me when you have a chance, if you don't mind

  6. Summer is busy! I guess I'll have to be ok with missing one comic. I'm glad you're both still had this reader a bit worried.

    As for a video game, you and AJ are my gurus, so I am as of yet unable to offer any suggestions that you do not already know. :\
