Tuesday, June 9, 2009


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I found a cheap game that will attract my interest for the next few weeks. Even better it keeps AJ's attention as well while he plays Tetris on his phone. I will never understand playing that game over and over again. There's no plot, no awesome graphics just the same 7 blocks over and over.

But there's a problem. Whenever you fight certain combinations of enemies, a treasure unlike you've ever seen before is dropped. I searched it. I couldn't help myself, and I found money in it. 10 gold pieces!! I'm just not sure if I would do that in real life. Let me think about it... Yeah, I guess I would.

Blue Dragon takes experience gaining to a whole new level. You can kick rocks and get experience, you can walk up to a tree and get experience. Which actually makes it fun and enjoyable because leveling has never been so easy. Except for maybe KOTOR. But we won't talk about that.



  1. "takes experience gaining to a whole new level."...I think my eyes are bleeding.

  2. Yeah, I had the same question, Sheffield.
