Thursday, May 21, 2009


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Computer Viruses are said to have to replicate themselves. A virus, according to the free online dictionary is "A computer program that is designed to replicate itself by copying itself into the other programs stored in a computer. It may be benign or have a negative effect, such as causing a program to operate incorrectly or corrupting a computer's memory." This automatically rules out Vista as a virus. We have no way of knowing if it replicates itself tenfold onto machines. Instead, I think we must call it the half-virus or Halvirus.

Vista can be benign, but it is more often negatively effecting the computer's memory, as in taking up all your memory so you can't run anything else. It's also equivalent to spyware, popping up with random questions whenever you click the mouse. "You double-clicked on this application, Do you want to open it?" Click yes. "Are you sure?" 10 minutes later you will have forgotten what it was you started and gone outside for a nice walk in the park. While I don't usually like these commercials, this one pretty much got it right.



  1. Vista also doesn't run dos games. There aren't many other reasons to own a computer than to play dos games.

  2. That reminds me:

    Check out that site sometime. There are a bunch of your old favorites there.

  3. the only reason a virus needs to be self-replicating is because no one will take the responsibility to replicate it themselves. for whatever reason, microsoft decided to not only do it, but pay people $$$LOTS OF MONEY$$$ to pretend they like it and endorse it. there's an exception to every rule, right? and we all want vista to be a virus sooo badly...
