Tuesday, May 19, 2009

It defines our culture

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When Lieutenant Ahura first said the line, "I'll be monitoring your frequency." My row burst out laughing. I am unsure whether this line was intended to be funny, but since I wasn't weaned on Star Trek and since no one else in the movie theater thought it the least surprising, I must say that I don't get Star Trek.

Science fiction has a disturbing trend in it. This is especially true of Space exploration shows/movies. Time Travel has always been fascinating to humans. Who doesn't want to be able to go back and change all the mistakes that you made? Who doesn't want to see the future? Time travel makes that easy, that's in its nature.

I must admit that I was deeply into this movie. I was interested from the beginning. I didn't quite cry at the movie, but I was hooked. I wanted to watch seasons upon seasons of Star Trek in order to understand more fully the nuances in this movie. Then he went into the cave.

Caves are generally bad places to go, unless your George Lucas sending Luke or Indiana in there. I've talked to Star Trek fans who hated the cave. They loved the movie until the cave. "It made it too Star Wars." I disagree. It made it too original Star Trek. **SPOILER ALERT** Spock didn't need to show up. They could've made it work without that. Instead, they had to use on of the lamest Deus Ex Machina's in recent movie history. The potential for greatness was there, but Leonard Nemoy should not have been put into that cave.



  1. I was just happy to see Spock. Apparently Zachary Quinto can't do they hand gesture. They had to glue his fingers together when he did it at the end.

    The first season of Star Trek is on Netflix instant watch. Em's been watching them with me. You'll see a lot of familiar characters. Capt. Pike for one. The Menagerie is probably one of the most famous episodes next to Trouble with Tribbles (except its actually two episodes).

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I didn't mind it except that I felt it was just bad storytelling. The writers were to lazy to show us or let us figure out what was going on so - BAM! - we get future!Spock in a cave and 10 minutes of expositionary monologue.


  4. Wasn't so much boring as disappointing to me.
