Thursday, July 16, 2009


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Now, racism is no joke. I do not want to condone it in any way. I believe that without a solid Christian foundation racism is the logical evolutionary step. That's beside the point though. I was scanning the internets recently and found that the racism charge has been brought up again. In the past, the racism accusation occurred in the latest Resident Evil game, RE5. In it, a black woman and a white man, shoot zombies. It's based in Africa where 90% of the population is, yep that's right, black. More recently, Valve's Left 4 Dead 2 is set in New Orleans. And SOME of the zombies you kill are African-American. This caused a writer for the Houston Chronicle to call out those two games as inherently racist. Apparently the only way to not be racist is to go back to the XCOMM: UFO defense days when every human is blond haired and blue-eyed with Japanese names. It's not racist to kill Caucasians according to this writer, it's racist only when you're killing Africans.

On a lighter note, Apple has reared it's ugly head, or at least Microsoft claims that this is so. Using both Apple computers and PC's, I must say that I enjoy both of them. Macs look sweet and are extremely useful. PC's can look sweet, and are also extremely useful. But the best part about this whole scenario is that the consumer wins. Apple's price goes down, and so do PC prices. I'm all for this. Keep running the ads, Micro$oft, and keep dropping that price $teve Job$.


P.S. Did you see how I inserted dollar signs as the letter 's'? That shows I have credibility and know that they're just two corporate entities, though we really know that Bill Gates and Steve Jobs are boyfriends (link is safe for work).


  1. Louisiana has the 3rd highest per capita number of African Americans in the entire US. I imagine Africa has even more black people (RE5).

    If they had gone the opposite way and just made a bunch of white zombies in New Orleans, I can guarantee we'd be hearing cries of "Valve hates black people! All their zombies are white in high density black populations!"

    Someone will always be offended.

    I expect the "stereotyping Southerners" article to crop up soon.

    I think in L4D2 when you shoot a zombie, they should explode in a cloud of grits and crayfish.
