Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Wilhelm strikes again

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AJ finally got one of his deepest desires last night. In case you didn't know, AJ is an avid board game player. One of his few failings in that department was not ever having played Settlers of Catan. Well last night AJ got to play, I'll have to see how he enjoyed it.

Speaking of board games, AJ and I have been playing D&D with a group for the last month or so. We invited an old friend of mine to play with us and it's a new experience for me especially. AJ is a fantastic DM (dungeon master, it means he controls the story), and he's wonderfully nice to allow us to push the edges of the envelope. Anyways, the old friend is a chaotic evil Warlock and enjoys exploring the boundaries. This is a new way to play (I've never been able to get out of the lawful good mindset that my parents brought me up into). Here's a quick example:
After a slight mishap at a Mage tower, one of our party, a Druid, snuck back into the tower and discovered a mage sleeping. After knocking him unconscious, the druid carried him on his back out to us (who had been knocked unconscious by the mages). After everyone had woken up, we lied to him and convinced him that a certain faction in the mage tower were trying to kill him.

Again, it's not that spectacular, but it's something I'd never attempted to do before and am enjoying playing the game differently than I had originally thought I would.



  1. I have a feeling we're about to start a mage war that will end with the continent getting blown up or falling into the ocean ;)

  2. I never imagined that I could suddenly be struck with such a fierce desire to play a board game...
