Thursday, July 9, 2009

Magic Disk

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To quote the always excellent Samwise Gamgee, "Well, I'm back." It was an eventful trip as you can see from the last post. It doesn't seem like AJ had quite as much fun but we'll give him the benefit of the doubt.

Quite a few things have happened in the last week, and unfortunately I'm unable to keep up with all of them without internet. One of the biggest things I noticed was in the sports world. Lebron James has been heralded as the next Michael Jordan. Think Karl Malone's size with otherworldly athleticism. But he doesn't seem to handle embarassment well. Now, no one is sure exactly what happened. But here's an interview with the player that dunked on him.

I also finished up Mass Effect last night. The ending was pretty meh. My 360 has been having a few processor problems and so my final fight with Saren was him just crab-walking across the ground as I laid into him with my assault rifle. But that wasn't the reason, there was no twist like in KOTOR. They had a similar ending but it seemed anticlimactic. The game was worth playing though.

Another ending that was crap compared to the rest of the story was Le Chevalier D'eon's ending. I got the last disk from Netflix and watched the rest of it. It had a sweet twist in the ending, but the last 10 minutes of the last episode were very very very anticlimactic. Again, this is a fantastic anime and the plot was deep and engaging. I'll have more to say about this when my wits are about me.


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