Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Thwarted again

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I don't quite understand why I'm so gung-ho about this. The beta won't be out for another 4 or 5 months at least.

There is a common phenomenon that occurs whenever a child says the words "I'm bored". The parent finds himself telling the child what to do, or giving examples of what he could do. This occurrence doesn't cease when we grow up either. Whenever I say that I have nothing to do, or that some time has opened up, immediately I discover that I have no time anymore.

It happened at the beginning of the summer this year, and it decided to happen again over my fall break. Almost as if some outside force is telling me not to get bored, and I must listen to it.


1 comment:

  1. I blame it on the fact that you say it out loud every time, "I'm gonna have lots of free time". If you want free time, you have to keep it a closely guarded secret and have sentries posted at the gates to your time.
