Thursday, October 15, 2009

Halloween Shenanigans

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I've never understood Halloween. I never was allowed to go Trick or Treating. I never understood why someone would want to dress up in order to get candy. On the other hand, any excuse to dress up is always welcome.

There was this one time that I got a group of friends together and dressed up as Ninjas. I was the red ninja. We had a blue, white, green and black ninja as well. Dressed all in black (except for our headbands) we ninja ran all over town and campus. One of the most fun nights I've had, so I understand dressing up, but I don't understand the trick or treat.

The past few days I've been listening to one artist while I've been working. I know I'm a little slow getting around to telling you about him, I'm unsure if I've posted about it before, but he is amazing. I don't usually like just piano to listen to, but he does an excellent job of keeping the music upbeat while maintaining a type of simplicity that allows the listener to do something else while listening. Great music to listen to while working.


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