Tuesday, March 9, 2010

To Be Continued...

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A trilogy in the modern world is composed of 3 parts. The first part is usually a stand alone movie/book/video game. When the producers realize that the first one did so well financially, their eyes become dollar signs. Thus, they release "news" that the first movie was part of a trilogy. This creates a foundation for a hype machine that is unsurpassed.

The second part of the trilogy is essentially a ripoff of the first. Except it's not as good, and usually includes something that irritated you from the first.

Before the third has come out, the expectations are either huge (because the first two were so good) or no one buys it because the second bombed. Luckily, Bioware does a phenomenal job of making the second game AWESOME!

Yesterday, I got a direct message from a famous person on Twitter. Now, I know he probably didn't think twice about it, but it made my day. It means a lot to fans when you have interaction with the actors you like. I'd rather not be one of those fans who does this when he sees someone he is a fan of, but this was pretty cool. Hopefully, one day, I'll be that famous and then I can make someone's day as well.


1 comment:

  1. Most "blockbuster" type games are set up as trilogies now a days to offset the development cost. In order to justify the millions of dollars spent to build a single game, you tack on additional games as gravy. Either that or make an MMO and hope people pay you a subscription.
