Tuesday, June 30, 2009

His first time

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Back in the day when I wasn't playing disc golf, I played WoW. I'm sure most of you know that already but I want to delve in a little deeper into the appeal that World of Warcraft had on me. Not only was it a well made and refined game, at least by the time I had come into it, but it also was a lifestyle. You chose Horde or Alliance. There was no fraternizing. Each side would complain about the other. I remember not being able to go through Ironforge for weeks without hearing some complaint about Shamans, and I'm sure it happened on the other side as well. That was a huge part of the game. Blizzard made a big mistake and lost a lot of people when WoW became a job and less of a lifestyle.

The entry of their first expansion, The Burning Crusade, caused both Horde and Alliance both to quest in the same area. However, attacking someone would cause an all out war to break loose and you would end up losing a couple of hours of valuable questing time. This caused everyone to start playing carebear style. A "I won't attack you if you don't attack me" truce was formed and Horde and Alliance started living in harmony. Not only that but Shamans came to the Alliance side and the Horde were allowed Paladins. There was hardly any viable way of telling a difference between the two factions.

Not to mention with The Burning Crusade also came a new way of PvPing. Instead of fighting the Horde, you fought a small group of 2, 3, or 5. This could be from any faction. Now you're fighting your own faction in PvP. Will this madness ever end?

I guess the next logical step is this. WoW is turning into a pve grindfest where there are no discernible lines between Horde or Alliance. Eventually, by level 100, there will be no difference. Horde and Alliance will be joining each other in dungeons to help rid the world of another evil. At that point, I hope WoW will die. I don't want to see something that was so amazing fall so far, I'd rather it go out with a bang than a whimper.



  1. Suddenly all the servers become 90% undead.

  2. It kinda sounds like Blizzard isn't happy with what arena has done to pvp. They've made clear that they aren't happy with pvp and that they want to move back towards larger group pvp as being more central. Maybe the impossible has happened, and they'll go back the other way...impossible, I know.

    I don't like arena again, but Neverwinter Nights 2 rockzors my sockzors. It's sorta like if you take the first Neverwinter Nights and cross it with Kotor.
