Thursday, June 25, 2009

I'm a Pro!

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Disc golf is one of those outdoor games that's highly addictive. It is not similar to other sports where you have to practice for years to get good at. To become a pro, yes, you need to put your 10,000 hours in, but to be pretty good at it, all it takes is one summer of dedication. Unless of course you get so struck with the disc that you immediately are a pro, as what happened to AJ.

I've been convincing AJ to watch old time movies. I grew up on them, he did not. Just recently, we started one of Alfred Hitchcock's finest, North By Northwest. If there's one thing that is amazing to me, with Alfred Hitchcock, it's how he makes a movie so intense without having an exorbitant amount of violence and action. We're only halfway into the movie, and there's been only one gun, one death, and one chase scene. I guess that's a lot of action when you think about it, but the movie is paced extremely well.


1 comment:

  1. paced extremely well if you watch it one half at a time...
