Thursday, July 2, 2009


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Hello Good Times Readers!!

Sorry for the lateness of the post this morning. Dooj couldn't get to the web, leaving me to cover as best I can. Thus the inconsistency in layout. Please forgive me.

On a more positive note: I am eating a bowl of cereal while I type this. If you must know it is MultiGrain Cheerios with 1%. I love cereal probably more than you. This particular kind is delicious, with its lightly sweetened 5 whole grain cheer. Mmm. I am also a 'whole bowler' when I partake of my morning (and evening) feasts. What is a 'whole bowler'? It means that I consume the entire contents of a bowl of cereal before I move on to the next bowl. There are some, I will not name names I will simply call them 'hethens', who simply eat the cereal and leave the leftover milk for the next bowl! A most heinous choice. A chill tickles my spine as I remember those worse than these hethens who do not even finish the solid portion of the cereal before re-applying more from the box... I shall speak no more of it.

I hope everyone enjoys today's comic, but does not relate to it. Happy 4th of July and God Bless!



  1. Is honey ok? I love honey on my cherios and it makes the milk taste awesome.

  2. I think, last time I played frolf, I almost decapitated someone. I can't remember who though...
