Thursday, June 18, 2009

Slight Miscalculation

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Yesterday, the new iPhone OS came out. It came out in the middle of the day, when most people would be at their respective computers. For some reason, and one of my coworkers told me that this was a good business model, Apple's servers could not handle the strain of 15 million iPhones downloading the OS around the same time. My phone was stuck on trying to authorize for hours. It was maddening.

I then found a little bugfix that would take care of the problem. While the phone was trying to connect to the authorization servers that were temporarily down, you shut off the internet on your computer. After turning it back on, you were able to install the new OS. I don't know what it was for, and I will authorize later when all the other people have finished testing the server's patience.

I'll give a better rundown of the new OS as soon as I have experienced it a little more fully. I'm still watching the first season of Dexter. It's still fascinating, but I'm not sure I want to watch the second season. It's turning a little too dramatic. Again, I'll have more on that later.



  1. "and one of my coworkers told me that this was a good business model"

    Apple knows whats best for you. Apparently you needed to learn patience, that way they have a super patient customer base. They're planning for the future!

  2. Surprisingly, I found myself in the place of defending Apple. If any significant portion of our users all began using our GIS at once, our servers would keel over and expire. I can't expect any better from other companies than I can expect from my own.

    P.S. Apple sucks...

  3. Fyi, I first read this as "never shake your manhood at a furry creature." Good advice either way.
