Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Bioware's HQ

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And this post marks our year anniversary. It's hard to imagine that it was a year ago, a lot has happened in that year. Thanks to AJ for continuing to add his creativity to my "ideas". This does call for a celebration though. I'm not sure what.

I finished Mass Effect 2. Jamie was too tired to stay awake on Friday night, which allowed me the time to finish. The ending is slightly disappointing, not because it's cheesy (most Bioware endings are) but because it was open ended. They knew that they were gonna make a third one, and while that's all well and good, it just sucks to have to wait for a few months before I'm allowed to play the third one.

Think if you were reading the Lord of the Rings, but had to wait years in between each release. They're meant to be read all at the same time, one right after another. That's the feeling I get with Mass Effect 2. A single chapter in a book won't stand alone, so I feel it unworthy to judge Mass Effect 2 on its ending.

After I finished ME2, I booted up one of my all time favorites, Knights of the Old Republic. The plan is to force Jamie to play through it. She created a character, started interacting with the first character you meet. During the conversation she was given two options. The dark side option, and the light side option. Her response? "Who in their right mind would choose option 2 [the dark side option]?" I love hearing that.


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